Gunshots Fired in McKinney

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2010 | Criminal Defense |

Gunshots rang out this morning near the McKinney Police Headquarters.  According to city spokeswoman Anna Folmsbee, “A suspect is dead.”  “I have not been able to confirm if there are more [suspects].”  In the local news, an article indicates that there were no reports of anyone else injured in the shooting, which started about 9:30 a.m.

The article indicated that the McKinney campus of Collin College, a few blocks south of the station, was reportedly locked down.  Students and staff were warned by e-mail not to come to the school.
The e-mail said:  “Shots fired.  Campus on lockdown.  Cops on the scene.  Details to follow.”
Police helicopters are in the air and appear to be searching for additional suspects.  Additional suspects could be charged with a number of different crimes such as Engaged in Organized Crime, Attempted Murder, Assault on a Public Servant, and Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon.
