Aggressive Defense of Solicitation of Prostitution and Other Charges
Major sporting events often bring numerous entrepreneurs to the Dallas, Texas area, selling everything from T-shirts to hot dogs. If past Super Bowls are any indication, these events also result in a significant uptick in prostitution. This comes as no surprise to law enforcement officials, who look to make arrests and punish offenders to the full extent of the law.
If you find yourself facing solicitation of prostitution charges or other criminal charges, you are not alone. Whether it is a false accusation, a misunderstanding, or you just made an error in judgment, it is important to have an experienced local criminal defense lawyer on your side.
At Pelley Law Office, L.L.P. we provide knowledgeable and aggressive criminal defense representation. Whether you live near the Dallas area or were visiting from out of town, contact our law offices today to speak with an experienced Plano solicitation of prostitution lawyer before it is too late.
Dallas Prostitution Defense Attorney
If you are facing solicitation of prostitution charges, it is important to talk to an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. A conviction could impact your job and family life, and put a permanent black mark on your criminal record.
Our staff includes a former special assistant to the district attorney’s office, which gives us the advantage of having the knowledge of how the other side thinks. This perspective helps us anticipate strategies the prosecution may use against you and helps us to counter them.
We handle a wide range of criminal defense matters, including defense against charges of solicitation of prostitution, aggravated promotion of prostitution, drug charges, assault and DWI defense. If you are facing criminal accusations, we are prepared to defend your rights.
Contact Us
Pelley Law Office, L.L.P. has helped citizens accused of crimes since 1974. To schedule a free consultation with a criminal law attorney, contact our law offices. We will explain your options, and you will be under no obligation to hire us. Call us at 903-813-4778 or 214-733-1775.