Many reasons could cause Texas residents to rack up high credit card bills. A job loss or medical crisis could put someone who normally keeps up with the bills into debt. To tackle it, a person could consider transferring a balance to a new credit card or getting a...
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Debt Relief
Negotiating with credit card companies
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | Aug 2, 2016 | Debt Relief
Texas residents who rely on their credit cards to make ends meet after an unexpected setback like a layoff or illness sometimes find themselves in deep financial trouble. Revolving debt can be a convenient and straightforward solution to short-term financing needs,...
Debt-settlement companies and debt balances
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | Jul 27, 2016 | Debt Relief
Texans have several options when they are facing overwhelming levels of debt. Those choices may include getting help from a credit counseling agency, engaging in a personal budgeting plan, going through debt settlement companies or filing for consumer bankruptcy. It...
Paying off debt
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | Jul 22, 2016 | Debt Relief
People who are struggling with debt in Texas may be looking at debt management programs that can help them pay down their bills. One common strategy for paying bills is the so-called "debt snowball." The "snowball" works like this: A debtor makes a list of all of his...
New regulations could allow student loan forgiveness
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | Jun 24, 2016 | Debt Relief
Many Texas college students pursue degrees that they believe will lead to jobs. When colleges misinform students about job placement rates, unemployed graduates are left with a large amount of debt and no means to pay it back. Now, students who acquired federal...
Debt forgiveness often comes at a price
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | Jun 16, 2016 | Debt Relief
Texas residents who are struggling to make ends meet sometimes pursue debt forgiveness or debt settlement because they are worried that their credit ratings will suffer and their assets will be seized if they file for bankruptcy. Many companies offer to help debtors...
The logistics of forgiving debt like John Oliver
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | Jun 10, 2016 | Debt Relief
Texas fans of John Oliver may have watched his show where he bought $15 million worth of medical debt for $60,000 and then canceled it. An organization called Rolling Jubilee has been doing something similar for several years and recently shifted its focus from...
College students may be falling for student loan scams
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | May 12, 2016 | Debt Relief
Many recent graduates of Texas universities have student loan debt. Even if a person is able to get a job right out of school, which is not a guarantee for many, it may be a struggle for years to get out of tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. As a...
Debt service provider sanctioned by CFPB
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | Apr 21, 2016 | Debt Relief
Debt relief service providers sometimes give sound advice to Texas residents who are struggling to make ends meet, but many of the business offering these services callously take advantage of those with financial difficulties. One such company, the California-based...
Recent ruling could impact Texas for-profit college students
On Behalf of Pelley Law Office LLP | Mar 31, 2016 | Debt Relief
At a March 25 press conference in Boston, the head of the U.S. Department of Education said that there was evidence of fraud at 91 separate campuses linked to Corinthian Colleges. When the for-profit operator of those schools closed in 2014, it had 70,000 students,...